Monday, March 25, 2024


 Hi... it's been a while things have been hectic but that's a different story. So I've come to a few problems with my script. 

The first problem is that I don't have anyone to play the characters, I knew this would be a problem because with 5 characters and 3 being adults casting was definitely rough. So I cut out the scene where the parents argue and instead of showing them arguing and well just being able to hear them, It will fully focus on Olivia's reactions and what she is doing while listening to them argue rather than the parents while they argue. I think this also works well with the piece because at the end of the day we want to see how her parents arguing affects her.

My other problem is the casting itself, unfortunately, I am going to play the main character which I desperately did not want to do, but I needed someone to do it. So this means I need someone to record, which I got my friend Mateo to do. Since I am in the film and not behind the camera things aren't gonna end up exactly how I want them, but that's just what happens sometimes.

So because of these issues, I changed lots of things. I figured out a way for only one person to be in the entire thing. For the shots with the parents I am going to VO the fight and make it seem like it's in a different room. I am going to get rid of the shots with the entire classroom filled with students, and instead, I'm going to give the context to Olivia's bad grades by showing them in the scene where she hears her parents argue and then cut to black and the school bell rings and we see Olivia talking to her teacher. In this scene, we will only be able to see the teacher's shoulder, which I can easily fake with a chair, and I will also VO the teacher talking to Olivia. The only concern is that the VO won't sound real, but I'll make sure to record room tone when I film the scenes and then add them on top of the VO to make it sound like it's actually happening in that moment in that room.

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Critical reflections

this is my critical reflection ;))))) hope you enjoy it!!